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Meeting in the framework of Comprehensive Institutional Building Programme (CIB)

On 12 May, 2010 Main Department of Civil Service of Ukraine (MDCSU) held a meeting on preparation of Institutional Reform Plan in the sphere of sanitary and phyto-sanitary in the framework of Comprehensive Institutional Building Programme (CIB).

The aim of the meeting was first of all to provide information on the Comprehensive Institutional Building Programme for all stakeholders in the sphere of sanitary and phyto-sanitary, secondly – to discuss basic needs and tasks in the sector and thirdly – to pave the way for preparation of the programme.

Andriy Vyshnevsky, Deputy Head of MDCSU opened the meeting. He welcomed participants, outlined the political context and the key steps in preparing of Comprehensive Institution Building Programme.

About prerequisites, content, main characteristics, principles and participants of Comprehensive Institution Building Programme presented Director of the School of Senior Civil Service Tetyana Kovtun.
Added on this issue and provided the vision of European side concerning preparing of the Comprehensive Institution Building Programme project manager on public administration of Delegation of European Union to Ukraine, Volodymyr Kondrachuk. He welcomed the initiative of MDCSU concerning organizing and holding this meeting, saying in particular that "the mission of the Program - to support the development of key institutions that will play a key role in implementing the Association Agreement between Ukraine and EU including the DCFTA".

Deputy Director of the Center for Adaptation of the Civil Service to the Standards of European Union Nataliya Kyrychenko told in her presentation about the MDCSU vision of forming Institutional Reform Plans in the sphere of sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures. In particular, she presented MDCSU vision of problems in the sphere of sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures and proposals to content of Institutional Reforms Plans in the framework of CIB.

About priority measures in reforming of sanitary and phito-sanitary sphere first deputy director of the State Department on Law Adaptation Taras Kachka reported stressing on following aspects of needs in reforms: necessity of institutional separation in the sector and legal reformation, training of personnel on EU requirements to legislation and EU expert assistance in reforming process.

After presentation part all participants of meeting had a possibility to express their vision and proposals, afterwards it was decided on creation of working group on Institutional Reform Plan preparation in the sphere of sanitary and phito-sanitary.

Representatives of all core institutions of Ukraine in sanitary and phito-sanitary and European integration coordination areas participated in the meeting, such as Main Department of Civil Service of Ukraine, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, State Department on Law Adaptation, Secretariat of CMU of Ukraine, Ministry of Economy of Ukraine,  State Department of Veterinary Medicine of Ukraine, National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, State Committee of Ukraine on Technical Regulation and Consumer Policy of Ukraine, Main State Inspection on Plant Quarantine in Ukraine etc.
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