The Session of the Government Committee on Economic Policy took place

On July 30, 2010 under the chairman of the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Serhiy Tigipko the Session of the Government Committee on Economic Policy took place. During the meeting the issue on development of Comprehensive Institutional Building Program was considered. 

Deputy Head of the Main Department of the Civil Service of Ukraine Andriy Vyshnevsky represented the Draft Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Signing the Memorandum on Mutual Understanding between the Government of Ukraine and the European Commission regarding the Framework Document of the Comprehensive Institutional Building Program” which had been approved by the Government Committee. 

On the basis of the above mentioned document the Framework Document will be signed and the process of institutional reform plans preparation within the framework of the Comprehensive Institutional Building Programme in the following directions: "sanitary and phito-sanitary", "monitoring and control of state aid", "migration" and "implementation of the regulations of future Association Agreement between EU and Ukraine" has begun. As the result, Ukraine will receive assistance for institution building of key public authorities responsible for the preparation and implementation of future Association Agreement between EU and Ukraine and the formation of a free trade zone. These measures help to facilitate the political association and further economic integration between Ukraine and the European Union.

There will be allocated 43.37 million Euros by European Union for Ukraine due to document regulations. The program will be implemented by means of instruments of the European Commission: Twinning, TAIEX, technical assistance and supplying of specialized equipment.



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